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Garlic - Companion Plants: Good Allium NeighborsUpdated 7 months ago

Garlic is an exceptional plant not only for its culinary uses but also for its beneficial properties in the garden. Its strong scent repels pests and attracts beneficial insects, making it a versatile companion for many plants. Here’s a guide to effective garlic companion planting, which can enhance the growth and health of your garden.

Benefits of Companion Planting

  1. Pest Repellent: Certain plants, like garlic, naturally repel predatory insects, protecting neighboring plants.
  2. Attracting Beneficial Insects: Companion planting can attract pollinators, enhancing garden biodiversity and pollination rates.
  3. Maximizing Space: Efficient use of garden space through layering plants with different growth habits.
  4. Improved Flavor: Some companion plants can enhance the flavor of nearby crops.
  5. Marking Plant Locations: Faster-growing companions can help mark the spots where slower-germinating seeds are planted, preventing overplanting.

Good Garlic Companion Plants

  1. Fruit Trees:

    • Benefits: Garlic's antifungal properties protect fruit trees from diseases like apple scab and leaf curl.
    • Pests Repelled: Aphids, mites, fungus gnats, and more.
    • Bonus: Repels larger pests like rabbits and deer.
  2. Herbs:

    • Chamomile: Improves garlic flavor.
    • Rue: Repels flies and maggots.
    • Yarrow & Summer Savory: Enhances garlic health and production.
    • Dill: Protected from spider mites by garlic.
    • Tarragon: Increases garlic growth.
  3. Flowers:

    • Roses: Garlic repels common rose pests.
    • Geraniums: Garlic protects against various pests.
    • Marigolds: Combined pest-repellent power and pollinator attraction.
    • Nasturtiums: Shade out weeds, use soil space efficiently, and act as a trap crop.
  4. Leafy Greens:

    • Arugula & Lettuce: Shallow roots that don't compete with garlic; choose smaller varieties to avoid shading garlic.
    • Spinach: Acts as ground cover and grows well with garlic during cooler seasons.
  5. Brassicas:

    • Cabbage, Kale, Kohlrabi, Brussels Sprouts, Collards, Cauliflower: Garlic repels many pests like cabbage loopers and Japanese beetles, improves broccoli flavor, and deters grazing animals.
  6. Root Vegetables:

    • Carrots: Garlic confuses carrot flies and protects against root maggots.
    • Beets & Parsnips: Grow at different soil depths, garlic protects against fungal infections.
  7. Solanaceae Family:

    • Tomatoes & Peppers: Garlic deters spider mites, enhances flavor, and protects young plants.
    • Eggplant: Garlic protects fruits from pests.
  8. Other Vegetables:

    • Celery: Similar protection benefits as carrots.
    • Potatoes: Garlic acts as a fungicide against late blight.

Plants to Avoid Planting with Garlic

  1. Legumes (Beans, Peas): Garlic inhibits their growth due to sulfur buildup in the soil.
  2. Certain Herbs (Parsley, Sage): May stunt their growth.
  3. Asparagus: Garlic depletes nutrients and increases soil sulfur, hindering asparagus growth.
  4. Allium Family (Onions, Chives, Leeks, Shallots): Planting together may attract pests that can decimate the entire group.

Looking for more information? Check out the full article on our blog:

Garlic Companion Plants: Good Allium Neighbors

Written by Rebecca Hendricks


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