Placing Birdies Garden Beds on Various Surfaces: ConcreteUpdated 5 months ago
Placing Birdies Beds on Various Surfaces
Birdies Raised Beds can be placed on any surface, from bare dirt to concrete. Here are our recommended instructions:
Concrete Surfaces
- Staining Concerns: Concrete can stain easily. If staining is not a concern, simply place your bed on the concrete surface and fill it with soil.
- Using Landscaping Fabric: For moderate protection against staining, cut a sheet of landscaping fabric at least 2 feet wider and longer than your bed. Place the bed in position and lay the fabric inside with excess fabric pointing upward. Fill the bed carefully, ensuring soil does not get between the fabric and bed walls.
- Total Protection with Builder’s Plastic: For complete protection, lay down black builder’s plastic first on the concrete surface. Set your bed on top of the plastic. Insert landscaping fabric as described above and fill the bed with soil. Trim excess plastic using scissors, leaving a 1” ring extending from the base of the bed.