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Pelleted Seeds and Seed Count InformationUpdated 5 months ago

Pelleted Seeds:
Some seeds are extremely tiny, making them difficult to handle and plant. To make this easier, we offer pelleted seeds for select varieties, including Clancy potato seeds, Trucas, Brentwood, Ezrilla lettuce, and Shock Wave Tie-Dye and Garden Party petunias. These seeds are coated in a thin layer of clay, which makes them larger and easier to manage during planting.

Occasionally, the clay coating may crack, leading to a fine, powdery material in the seed packet alongside larger clumps of clay. It’s best to plant the largest pieces, as these contain the seeds. The fine powder is mostly residual clay and may not contain any seeds, but it can still be planted if desired.

Small Seed Counts:
Some of the seed varieties we offer are rare, patented, or produced in limited quantities. In these cases, we may pack smaller seed counts to allow more people the opportunity to grow these unusual varieties. For accurate information, check the average seed count per packet on our website, where this is listed for each seed type to ensure transparency before purchase.

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