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Can Weeds Get into My Birdies Raised Garden Bed?Updated 5 months ago

One of the key advantages of using a raised bed is reduced weeding. However, if you live in an area with aggressive weeds like Bermuda grass, it’s best to install an underlayment before setting up your bed.

Steps to Prevent Weeds:

  1. Basic Weed Control: For regular weed pressure, simply lay down cardboard underneath your bed. The box your Birdies bed was shipped in works great as sheet mulch!

  2. Landscape Fabric for Aggressive Weeds:

    • Cut landscape fabric 2 feet wider and longer than your raised bed.
    • Set your bed in place, ensuring it’s level.
    • Place the landscape fabric inside the bed with the excess going up the walls on all four sides.
    • Lay cardboard on top of the fabric for added protection.
  3. Filling the Bed: Carefully fill your bed with soil, pressing the landscape fabric tightly against the walls. Once the sides are fully covered, finish filling the bed. This setup helps prevent most weeds from entering through the bottom.

Surface Weed Control:

Weed seeds can still get into your bed through soil, compost, or wind. To reduce surface weed germination, apply at least 3 inches of mulch around your plants. This layer prevents seeds from reaching the soil surface and germinating.

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